About HSEQ-Compliance

HSEQ Compliance is an Australian owned and managed, Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality (HSEQ) consulting firm, providing integrated online compliance solutions to businesses throughout Australia and beyond. Our team of highly qualified and experienced HSEQ consultants provide our clients with simple yet comprehensive integrated risk management systems that foster higher stakeholder engagement, and improve legal compliance.

We specialise in ensuring you integrated HSEQ management system complies with Federal and State legislation and relevant to each client’s unique requirements.

Our unique attribute is a provision of an ongoing support, advice, and incident response management once you are listed as our client.

Our Service Strengths:

  • SWMS development
  • Prequalification application guidance and assistance
  • Pre-Certification Audits
  • WHS Management plans implementation
  • Quality Management Systems ISO9001 experts’ advice
  • Environmental Management Systems ISO14001 experts’ advice
  • WHS Management System ISO45001 experts’ advice
  • HSEQ Management plan development that is specific to your business
  • Policy & Procedural Development, Implementation, Monitoring & Review
  • Management Meeting Facilitation
  • ISO internal Audit
  • Risk Assessment (SWMS, JSA or JHA)
  • ISO/IMS Gap analysis
  • Incident Investigation
  • Training, advice and guidance


Our clients come from a variety of industries, including:

  • Building Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Fabrication
  • Mechanical
  • Civil
  • Plumbing
  • Mining
  • Oil and Gas 



What We Do

SWMS Development

We would help you develop a Safe Work Method Statements for all High Risk Work Activities.

GAP Analysis

We compare your current system with the local and international best practice – ISO standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 to know what your lacking in compliance

ISO System Development

After the Gap Analysis, we help you develop your processes and Procedures and guide you through implementation.

Audit & ISO Certification

We will perform internal audit on your processes, recommend and arrange a third party ISO certification Audit applicable for you – ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, ISO 22000:2018

Training and Guidance

We conduct training sessions for Senior Managers and/or Front line supervisors on the implementation  and ISO management. We also train you to become a lead auditor for the ISO systems.


“HSEQ Compliance is the only regional based company in New South Wales that deals with HSEQ Compliance Solutions, Services and Consultancy .”

Neal Froster 

Why the need for compliance?


Boost Employee Performance, free from fines and infringements and increase Productivity

Engaged employees are motivated to implement processes that are put in place to ensure that problems are quickly identified and resolved in a timely manner. Additionally, the consistent process defined through ISO standard together with the relevant legislations (e.g. WHS ACT and Regulation and Environmental ACT) can keep your employees focused to achieve operational excellence and therefore ensure you don’t violate the statutory requirements and help increase your productivity.


Satisfy customer requirements

This is a dangerous reason. Many companies want ISO certification just to satisfy a customer requirement. In other cases, the customer declares they will only do business with certified suppliers. Yes, we need to satisfy customer requirements satisfactorily, but in a plural and continuous manner. Concentrating only on this benefit, and your immediate gain, without really putting the customer above all, can cost a lot more in the long run.


Improve the consistency of your operations

Reducing variation in your processes is the best definition of consistency. Your customer is best served when you provide a consistent product: with the same dimensions, same weight, same tolerances and the same output.

Of course, your customers will not accept variation, and neither should you! So how do you reduce variation? By increasing control over your processes! Control comes from a clear goal: to collect data about a process and to understand how to adjust the process to keep the output consistent. The ISO requirements help in these tasks.


Improve efficiency, reduce waste and save money

An ISO management system is not perfect, but a well-executed system allows your company to approach perfection. As your processes improve, they become more consistent, and you are able to achieve your goals more regularly, providing tangible results. You will also reduce waste in your processes.Waste is a result of poor quality and inefficiency, and it represents wasted money. Inefficiency is the result of variation and inconsistent processes. Reduce these variations and improve consistency and you will have less waste and more money.


Facilitate collaboration in business

The fact that ISO is widely accepted internationally facilitates the realization of collaborative business, research, and the development of new products. Standardization allows your company to do international business with the certainty of ensuring the compatibility and invariability of a product or an input used in its process.


Completed Projects

industries worked for


Wagga Wagga, 2650, NSW, Australia.

+61 (0) 406 294 447

info.hseqcompliance@gmail.com; info@hseqcompliance.com.au