HSEQ Compliance – Gap Analysis & Audits Services in New South Wales

  • Tailored Solutions
  • Certified Experts
  • Immediate Insights
  • Compliance Assurance
  • Industry-Leading Advice

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Services We Offer


Gap Analysis Service

Comprehensive assessment to identify compliance gaps, ensuring alignment with industry standards and legal requirements.


Analytics in Internal Audit

Utilising advanced analytics to enhance audit efficiency, uncover hidden patterns, and deliver deeper insights.


Audit Analysis

Detailed examination of auditing processes to improve accuracy, reliability, and transparency.


Audit and Analysis Consulting

Expert consulting to refine audit strategies, enhance reporting capabilities, and optimise organisational compliance.


Audit Gap Analysis

Focused evaluation of existing audit processes versus industry best practices to identify critical gaps.


Audit Analysis Consultant Firm

Professional consulting services providing customised strategies for enhanced audit and compliance frameworks.


Professional Audit Services

High-standard professional auditing services tailored to meet regulatory requirements and business needs.


Gap Audit Services

Specialised auditing to identify and bridge the compliance and performance gaps within your business operations.

About Us

HSEQ Compliance is a group of compliance experts in ensuring business operations align strictly with safety, quality, and environmental standards. Our team of certified auditors and consultants brings years of expertise to deliver tailored, effective solutions for businesses across New South Wales.


  • Industry Experience
  • Certified Professionals
  • Customised Solutions
  • Proven Track Record
  • Committed to Excellence
About Us



Gap Analysis Service

Our Gap Analysis Service is designed to provide a thorough assessment of your current compliance status against the required industry standards and legal mandates. We pinpoint deficiencies and recommend actionable solutions to ensure full compliance. This service is crucial for organisations looking to avoid legal pitfalls and maintain industry credibility.

Analytics in Internal Audit

By integrating advanced analytics into our internal audit processes, we offer you a more dynamic and insightful auditing experience. Our approach helps identify inefficiencies and anomalies within your operations, empowering your business with predictive insights and strategic data that drive better decision-making and operational improvements.


Audit Analysis

Our Audit Analysis involves a deep dive into your auditing processes to identify opportunities for enhancement. We evaluate the efficacy, accuracy, and transparency of your audits, providing you with a detailed report on findings and recommendations for improvement. This service is essential for businesses aiming to enhance their accountability and integrity.

Audit and Analysis Consulting

As a leading Audit Analysis Consultant Firm, we offer expert advice and strategies tailored to optimise your audit and analysis practices. Our consulting services focus on developing robust auditing frameworks that not only meet but exceed compliance requirements, enhancing your organization’s reputation and operational efficiency.

audit service
Gap Audit Services

Audit Gap Analysis

Our Audit Gap Analysis service is specifically designed to compare your current auditing methods against best practices and regulatory standards. We identify critical gaps and provide a pathway to enhanced compliance and security, ensuring your auditing processes are robust, thorough, and up-to-date.

Audit Analysis Consultant Firm

As your professional audit analysis consultant firm, we provide comprehensive consulting services that cater to your specific needs. Our experts help you design and implement audit systems that are efficient, compliant, and tailored to your business’s unique challenges and goals.

Making agreement
Corporate businessmen working on tablet at office

Professional Audit Services

Our Professional Audit Services are designed to ensure that your business operations not only comply with all applicable laws and standards but are also streamlined for better performance. We offer audits across various domains, including financial, operational, and compliance audits, providing you with a holistic understanding of your organisational practices.

Gap Audit Services

Our Gap Audit Services are focused on identifying the disconnects between your current practices and the ideal state as defined by regulatory bodies and internal standards. We help bridge these gaps, enhancing your operational effectiveness and ensuring continuous improvement and compliance.

Objects at workplace

Customer Testimonial

HSEQ Compliance transformed our approach to all forms of compliance. Their gap analysis and detailed audit services helped us meet stringent industry regulations effortlessly. Highly recommend their expert team! 

Cindy Hounsel

Care Mechanical


What is a gap analysis service?

A gap analysis service evaluates your current processes and policies to identify discrepancies between existing operations and the industry standards or regulatory requirements. It provides insights into areas needing improvement to achieve compliance and operational excellence.

How can analytics enhance internal audits?

By integrating analytics into internal audits, we can process large volumes of data to identify trends, anomalies, and risks that might not be apparent through traditional methods. This approach leads to more accurate audits, proactive risk management, and strategic decision-making.

What does an audit analysis involve?

Audit analysis involves reviewing and assessing the effectiveness and compliance of your auditing processes. It helps in identifying strengths and weaknesses in your audits, suggesting improvements to ensure accuracy and reliability in financial and operational reporting.

Why should I consider hiring an audit and analysis consultant?

Hiring an audit and analysis consultant can provide expert insights into refining your audit strategies, improving compliance, and enhancing operational efficiency. Consultants bring external expertise that can help in identifying overlooked issues and implementing best practices.

What are the benefits of conducting an audit gap analysis?

Conducting an audit gap analysis helps in pinpointing the specific areas where your audit practices do not meet the expected standards. This targeted analysis aids in prioritising improvements, reducing risks, and ensuring that your audits are thorough and effective.

How do I know if I need a professional audit service?

If your organisation requires compliance with specific regulations, needs to assure stakeholders of financial accuracy, or wants to improve operational efficiencies, professional audit services are essential. They provide independent verification of your practices and help build trust and credibility.

What differentiates your gap audit services from others?

Our gap audit services are uniquely tailored to each client’s specific needs and compliance requirements. We focus on delivering actionable insights and practical solutions, backed by our expertise and commitment to up-to-date practices and regulations.

Can audit services help with ISO certifications?

Yes, our audit services can assist in preparing for ISO certifications by ensuring that your processes meet the specific standards required for certification. Our services include pre-assessment audits, process improvements, and final compliance checks.

What should I expect from your audit analysis consultant firm?

Expect a partnership that focuses on enhancing your company’s audit capabilities and compliance. Our firm provides comprehensive assessments, detailed reports, and strategic recommendations tailored to strengthen your organisation’s controls and reporting processes.

How often should I schedule an audit and analysis review?

The frequency of audit and analysis reviews depends on several factors, including the size of your organisation, industry requirements, and previous audit findings. Generally, an annual review is recommended, but more frequent audits may be necessary for dynamic industries or when significant changes occur.

Contact Us


Call Us At

+61 (0) 406 294 447


info.hseqcompliance@gmail.com; info@hseqcompliance.com.au


Wagga Wagga, 2650,

NSW, Australia.

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